Writing, rehearsing, performing and recording the play in both Italian and Romanian will raise our students' confidence in expressing themselves, expand their knowledge of the world, teach them social skills and develop their communication skills. This creative learning will take place as a result of creative teaching, which is to be accomplished in our schools through the activities of this project too.
The aim of the 2009 European Year of Creativity and Innovation through Education and Culture is to promote creativity as a driver for innovation - all forms of innovations, including non-technological. Providing an environment which stimulates aesthetic sensitivity, emotional development and intuition can foster creativity as a competence, transferable to a variety of contexts. The various forms of cultural, artistic and creative self-expression inside formal education will hopefully encourage openness to cultural diversity as a means of fostering intercultural communication and artistic cross-fertilisation in the future.
We are currently working on the questionnaire for evaluating our students' satisfaction concerning awareness of European citizenship. Here are the 9 questions:
1 Think of somebody you know who lives in a foreign country. What is her/his name and where does she/he live (name of country and town/village)?
2 Is she/he interested in: (tick) sport, reading, films, computer games, fashion, music? (add any other, if necessary)
3 Does she/he live in a town or in a village? (tick)
4 Does she/he live in a house or in an apartment? (tick)
5 What do you know about the school she/he attends? (when she/he goes to school, holidays, subjects at school etc.)
6 What do you know about the place where she/he lives? (language, climate, famous landmarks, personalities, exports, football teams etc.)
7 What do you know about the customs in her/his region? (music, food, jobs etc.)
8 How do you communicate with her/him?
9 Write down two things that you have in common and two things that are different in your ways of life.
About half the students involved in the project have already handed in the completed questionnaires. Here is Ana-Maria C.'s questionnaire:
Here is Marek's questionnaire: